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Your gift helps keep their memory alive for the next generation and generations to come.

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Your gift helps keep their memory alive for the next generation and generations to come.

How your gift will be used!

All donations support our mission to honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the Kentucky National Guard who have died in the line of duty.

The Kentucky National Guard Memorial is the only shrine dedicated to this cause and serves as an enduring monument to the lives lost while serving our Nation and the Commonwealth.

The memorial complex provides a sacred space for families, friends, and citizens to remember, reflect, and learn about the values of selfless service to a cause greater than themselves and links the sacrifices of the past with the service of the present, and the challenges of the future.

Our virtual memorial tells the story of those whose names are forever engraved on our memorial. It ensures their life of service and sacrifice are not forgotten and will be remembered by this generation and generations to come.

Gifts that exceed our yearly operating expenses are invested to help establish an endowment fund to ensure the long-term sustainability of our memorial.

If you have any questions about how your donation is used, please contact us at or call (502) 682-8454.